A comprehensive framework for starting and scaling your own profitable PR agency in just 12 weeks


The ONLY program of its kind, designed to help you start and scale a profitable PR Agency in 12 weeks or less



The ONLY program of its kind, designed to help you start and scale a profitable PR Agency in
12 weeks or less


Created by a 7-figure PR agency owner, the Agency Accelerator is a step-by-step guide to help both budding and established agency owners create the profitable business of their dreams. 

You’ll learn exactly how to structure your PR Agency to fill your pipeline with high-paying clients, establish a consistent revenue stream and run a business that doesn’t run you.

You want to build and scale your dream PR Agency, but if you’re like many of my program members when they first started out, you’re most likely…

  • Unsure of how to get clients that will actually pay top value for your services
  • Feeling lost in the “set-up” stage — where do you start? 
  • Wondering if you’ll ever generate enough income to leave your 9-5 
  • Stuck charging low hourly rates for demanding clients that you can’t release, because they keep the lights on (how the heck do you scale like this?) 
  • Spending so much time in execution that you can’t even begin to start thinking about how to grow

What if there were a proven process to set up your PR agency to reflect your values, charge what you KNOW you’re worth, and give you the freedom and flexibility you crave in your life?

This is NOT a course. This is a proven framework for launching, growing and scaling a profitable PR Agency on YOUR terms. The Agency Accelerator is a database of resources, templates, strategies, and processes you can plug into your agency to get you streamlined and profitable. 

Not only will you learn exactly how to structure your PR Agency - you'll also learn how to fill your pipeline with high-paying clients so you can build the income stream you've dreamed of!

I know you want to…

Finally leave that 9-5 that feels like it’s sucking the life out of you.

Stop charging pennies for your services and start earning six-figures

Build this business YOUR way (you know, the way that allows you to do what you want when you want)

Do work that truly lights you up without having to sacrifice family time, travel, your health or anything else that’s important to you

Hear from some of our amazing students who had big dreams, but felt overwhelmed by the idea of scaling their PR agencies...

I've scaled my business & increased profits!

"The Agency Accelerator has given me the confidence to charge what I'm worth. It has also allowed me to perfect my discovery call process as well as enhance my client experience. I started the Accelerator program as a freelancer... and now I'm fully working in my business. I also got clear on my niche and the services that I'm providing which allows me to scale profit within my business. "

Dwayna Williams, Co-Founder of TGND Consulting

The strategies gave me so much confidence!

"I applied all of the strategies + processes taught and right out of the gate was able to secure my client in VOGUE which just blew me away and felt so damn good! Without the confidence I gained through your mentorship, I'm not sure I would have even approached such a high-end publication."

Hayley Parker, Founder of HPPR

If anyone is considering The Agency Accelerator...DO IT!

"I'm going through the first module now and it's SO good! The past Q&A calls alone are pure gold! Best decision I've made in a long time! So thankful for Jennifer Berson!"

Samantha McKinney, PR Pro

If you want to achieve your dreams, too — join the Agency Accelerator TODAY!

Learn exactly how hugely successful agency owners grow their businesses to 6-figures and beyond!


Some might say it’s too good to be true,
but I know first hand that it's not

I know you want to…

Finally leave that 9-5 that feels like it’s sucking the life out of you

Stop charging pennies for your services and start earning six-figures

Build this business YOUR way (you know, the way that allows you to do what you want when you want)

Do work that truly lights you up without having to sacrifice family time, travel, your health or anything else that’s important to you

Hear from some of our amazing students who had big dreams, but felt overwhelmed by the idea of scaling their PR agencies...

I've scaled my business & increased profits!

"The Agency Accelerator has given me the confidence to charge what I'm worth. It has also allowed me to perfect my discovery call process as well as enhance my client experience. I started the Accelerator program as a freelancer... and now I'm fully working in my business. I also got clear on my niche and the services that I'm providing which allows me to scale profit within my business. "

Dwayna Williams, Co-Founder of TGND Consulting

The strategies gave me so much confidence!

"I applied all of the strategies + processes taught and right out of the gate was able to secure my client in VOGUE which just blew me away and felt so damn good! Without the confidence I gained through your mentorship, I'm not sure I would have even approached such a high-end publication."

Hayley Parker, Founder of HPPR

If anyone is considering The Agency Accelerator...DO IT!

"I'm going through the first module now and it's SO good! The past Q&A calls alone are pure gold! Best decision I've made in a long time! So thankful for Jennifer Berson!"

Samantha McKinney, PR Pro

If you want to achieve your dreams, too — join the Agency Accelerator TODAY!

Learn exactly how hugely successful agency owners grow their businesses to 6-figures and beyond!


Some might say it’s too good to be true, but I know first hand that it's not

Sixteen years ago, I left my career in law to start a PR agency — even though I had no contacts and no formal training.

It was one of those, “what-on-earth-possessed-you-to-do-that?” risks. I had a stable job as a lawyer for a prestigious law firm. I had a really nice, 6-figure associate salary. I had the years of expensive & rigorous schooling that were required to get to this point. 

And yet, I kept looking around at all of the lawyers who were “making it,” and I realized there weren’t many people like me “at the top” (a mom who wanted to spend time with her kids). 

I didn’t want to be in the office night after night racking up billable hours while my kids were at home playing with a nanny instead of me.

So I decided to go all-in on my dream of running a PR agency, even though I had no training, no contacts, and no idea where to begin. Casual, right?

I knew literally NOTHING about PR — all I knew is I wanted to dive into this field and build an agency that would give me the freedom, flexibility, and financial independence I wanted. I figured things out as I went along, and discovered that actually… I’m pretty dang good at this. 

Today, I work from home supporting multiple billion-dollar clients (yes, Billion, with a B!), and I have a business that generates more revenue than I ever dreamed to make. But the thing that I am most proud of in this whole journey is that I did it on my terms.

You just need a plan — a step-by-step strategy that shows you exactly how to set up your agency, what to do to attract high-paying clients, and how to scale it in a way that gets YOU out of the weeds and into the CEO seat.

A complete program to start and scale a profitable PR Agency in 12 weeks or less


By the end of this program, you will have…

  • Found a niche that’s lucrative and gets you EXCITED about the work you’re doing (instead of dreading the moments you spend behind the computer) 
  • Pitched high-paying clients you love working with and created a new business process that will keep your pipeline healthy
  • Established your six-figure revenue plan to hit your income goals THIS YEAR
  • Practiced how to CRUSH new business calls to close more clients
  • Completed winning client proposals that position your agency perfectly to win the work (WITHOUT spending hours and hours on them every time) 
  • Implemented a repeatable framework to start and scale your agency (even if you’ve never owned a business before) 
  • Taken a look behind the scenes at exactly how I run my own 7-figure agency, including all of the time-saving tips and lessons I’ve learned along the way (that I truly WISH I’d known from the very beginning)
  • Created a business that gives you the freedom, flexibility, and financial independence you want!

But Don't Take My Word For It!

Here's what the PR Agency Owners who have been through the Agency Accelerator have to say about their experience.



Here's what you'll discover inside The Agency Accelerator...

Mindset Mastery

It’s time for you to say goodbye to the freelancer life for good and say hellooooo to stepping into your role as an agency owner & CEO! You’ll set a foundation for your future success by getting into the right mindset (and overcoming any and all limiting beliefs) before doing anything else.


  • Learn how to kick imposter syndrome to the curb when doubt creeps in 
  • Find your why and start shifting your mindset (so that you can be more confident and set clear boundaries in your biz!)
  • Get my best time management and productivity strategies to start things off on the right foot

Nail Your Niche

The Agency Accelerator is all about implementation, so once you are clear on your vision, we dive right into actually setting up your agency. This week, we’ll go over the basic logistics of setting up your agency, picking the perfect niche that will position you as an expert and go-to authority in your industry, and defining your specific servings & offerings.


  • Set up everything you're going to need to have in place to get your agency up and running (and looking super professional)
  • Identify your unique niche by honing in on who you'll serve, what types of clients you'll work with, and what services you'll offer
  • Learn how to become the go-to expert authority in your niche—so that your dream clients will come to YOU!

Know Your Numbers

Set yourself up with a good foundation by knowing your numbers! Week 3 is focused on the financial piece of running your PR agency so that you can ensure that you’re making enough to support your business (and your family!).


  • Set strategic revenue goals (and learn how to actually achieve them!)
  • Make handling your agency’s finances a breeze by understanding what numbers matter and ensuring that you’re setting yourself up for success
  • Learn how to set (and raise!) your rates with my best tips and exclusive access to an email template to make the process of communicating rate increases stress-free

Prosperous Pipeline

You can’t have an agency without clients! This week, you’ll discover all of the strategies that are working now to fill up your lead pipeline with prospective dream clients who are dying to work with you (plus learn how to avoid those nightmare clients that will just hold you back!). 


  • Identify your ideal clients and get the strategies that you need to attract them to your agency—it’s time to be proactive!
  • Learn techniques to land premium clients that won’t bat an eye at your rates
  • Know how to avoid red flags that will save you precious time and money so you don’t sign clients who will deplete your energy (and sanity!)

Promising Prospects

Once you have clients in your pipeline, it’s time to start closing deals. I’ll share my ninja sales strategies (including scripts, tricks, and more!) that you can use to run repeated successful discovery calls with prospective clients that will have them saying “YES!” to work with you every single time.


  • Learn how to structure a masterful discovery call so you can easily identify if a client is a good match (and win the work!)
  • Identify the key questions you need to ask in order to determine whether a client is a good match or if you’re wasting your time (including how to navigate the dreaded budget questions)
  • Discover what information you should prepare before the call so that you look like a true expert

Powerful Proposals

You’ll uncover the secrets behind putting together an incredible proposal that will get your dream clients begging to work with you on a premium retainer! Learn exactly what you need to include (and how to make your agency stand out every single time). Hint hint: this is the exact structure I’ve used to land multi-billion dollar clients…so trust me, it works!


  • Create a proposal template that compliments your agency’s branding so it not only looks great but also saves you hours and hours of work in the future
  • Uncover the psychology behind copy that grabs your client’s attention & makes them eager to work with you
  • Get a look behind the curtain at my $15,000/mo. proposal that got accepted immediately, and learn how to use it in your own agency

Onboarding & Kick Offs

Congratulations! Your proposal was accepted. Now what? Getting a “yes” from your dream client is only half the battle… which is why I’ll share how to create a seamless & uber-professional onboarding experience that will have your new clients feeling impressed and excited to work with you for the long haul!


  • Draft policies for your retainer agreement that will protect your agency
  • Create a seamless onboarding process that kicks things off the right way, and gather assets from your clients so you can get to work ASAP
  • Get the step-by-step walkthrough of what you should be striving to accomplish for your client in the first month of the engagement, so they stay happy, excited, and engaged

Deliver & Dazzle

This week, you’ll learn how to knock the socks off your clients by delivering them impeccable PR and social media services that will turn them into industry superstars and secure you a long-term partnership that they’ll never want to end.


  • Grab the exact social media and content creation strategies I use with my clients to increase their social reach and secure consistent press coverage
  • Develop comprehensive PR and social media strategies for your clients that actually work
  • Learn how to keep your clients absolutely dazzled by the experience of working with your agency, including how to send client gifts

Retain & Maintain

You’re putting in the work… now it’s time to show it off! In Week 9, you’ll learn how successful PR agencies strategically use reporting, and figure out exactly what you need to include in the data you present to your clients to highlight the immense value of your services. That’s the BEST way to retain and maintain your best clients!


  • Learn how to measure your success as a PR agency (and why that’s so important to help you grow)
  • Start editing clips and creating DAZZLING press books and clips in Canva that will wow your clients and frame your results in the best possible light
  • Report results to clients (and as a bonus, learn how to offboard clients the RIGHT way so that you can keep relationships intact)

Leverage Your Results

Success in PR goes so much further than just generating results—and in this module, we’ll cover how to leverage those results through case studies, testimonials, and press clips.


  • Get our tried-and-true case study template that adds instant polish to your work
  • Learn exactly when and how to ask clients for testimonials (and make it way easier with exclusive access to a plug-and-play testimonial request email template)
  • Figure out how to strategize the right time to request testimonials and start working on (and delegating!) case studies for each client

Build Your Dream Team

Building a team is the key to scaling your agency, and this week, we’re going to go over how to hire team members to help you with TONS of different areas in your business (so that you can focus on the areas that truly move the needle forward and thrive as a visionary CEO).


  • Get out of your day-to-day grind so that you can leverage your time to think bigger for your agency
  • Learn everything you need to know about hiring new team members to support you as you grow, from job description templates to figuring out whether you want to work with freelancers or build your own team
  • Build a team that can execute dazzling services, allowing you to focus on the big-picture strategy of growing your agency

Find Your Flow

Ready to seriously achieve your biggest goals? You’ll learn how to generate momentum, navigate growth with grace, and seriously elevate your role and find a flow state in your business…while living the life you’ve always wanted.


  • Learn strategies to have your breakthrough year!  
  • Start generating serious momentum and reaching your biggest goals with the tips and resources that have helped hundreds of PR pros build successful, thriving agencies  
  • Be open to learning and growing as an agency owner over time as things shift and scale in your agency

Mindset Mastery

It’s time for you to say goodbye to the freelancer life for good and say hellooooo to stepping into your role as an agency owner & CEO! You’ll set a foundation for your future success by getting into the right mindset (and overcoming any and all limiting beliefs) before doing anything else.


  • Learn how to kick imposter syndrome to the curb when doubt creeps in
  • Find your why and start shifting your mindset (so that you can be more confident and set clear boundaries in your biz!)
  • Get my best time management and productivity strategies to start things off on the right foot

Nail Your Niche

The Agency Accelerator is all about implementation, so once you are clear on your vision, we dive right into actually setting up your agency. This week, we’ll go over the basic logistics of setting up your agency, picking the perfect niche that will position you as an expert and go-to authority in your industry, and defining your specific servings & offerings.


  • Set up everything you're going to need to have in place to get your agency up and running (and looking super professional)
  • Identify your unique niche by honing in on who you'll serve, what types of clients you'll work with, and what services you'll offer
  • Learn how to become the go-to expert authority in your niche—so that your dream clients will come to YOU!

Know Your Numbers

Set yourself up with a good foundation by knowing your numbers! Week 3 is focused on the financial piece of running your PR agency so that you can ensure that you’re making enough to support your business (and your family!).


  • Set strategic revenue goals (and learn how to actually achieve them!)
  • Make handling your agency’s finances a breeze by understanding what numbers matter and ensuring that you’re setting yourself up for success
  • Learn how to set (and raise!) your rates with my best tips and exclusive access to an email template to make the process of communicating rate increases stress-free

Prosperous Pipeline

You can’t have an agency without clients! This week, you’ll discover all of the strategies that are working now to fill up your lead pipeline with prospective dream clients who are dying to work with you (plus learn how to avoid those nightmare clients that will just hold you back!).


  • Identify your ideal clients and get the strategies that you need to attract them to your agency—it’s time to be proactive!
  • Learn techniques to land premium clients that won’t bat an eye at your rates
  • Know how to avoid red flags that will save you precious time and money so you don’t sign clients who will deplete your energy (and sanity!)

Promising Prospects

Once you have clients in your pipeline, it’s time to start closing deals. I’ll share my ninja sales strategies (including scripts, tricks, and more!) that you can use to run repeated successful discovery calls with prospective clients that will have them saying “YES!” to work with you every single time.


  • Learn how to structure a masterful discovery call so you can easily identify if a client is a good match (and win the work!)
  • Identify the key questions you need to ask in order to determine whether a client is a good match or if you’re wasting your time (including how to navigate the dreaded budget questions)
  • Discover what information you should prepare before the call so that you look like a true expert

Powerful Proposals

You’ll uncover the secrets behind putting together an incredible proposal that will get your dream clients begging to work with you on a premium retainer! Learn exactly what you need to include (and how to make your agency stand out every single time). Hint hint: this is the exact structure I’ve used to land multi-billion dollar clients…so trust me, it works!


  • Create a proposal template that compliments your agency’s branding so it not only looks great but also saves you hours and hours of work in the future
  • Uncover the psychology behind copy that grabs your client’s attention & makes them eager to work with you
  • Get a look behind the curtain at my $15,000/mo. proposal that got accepted immediately, and learn how to use it in your own agency

Onboarding & Kick Offs

Congratulations! Your proposal was accepted. Now what? Getting a “yes” from your dream client is only half the battle… which is why I’ll share how to create a seamless & uber-professional onboarding experience that will have your new clients feeling impressed and excited to work with you for the long haul!


  • Draft policies for your retainer agreement that will protect your agency
  • Create a seamless onboarding process that kicks things off the right way, and gather assets from your clients so you can get to work ASAP  
  • Get the step-by-step walkthrough of what you should be striving to accomplish for your client in the first month of the engagement, so they stay happy, excited, and engaged

Deliver & Dazzle

This week, you’ll learn how to knock the socks off your clients by delivering them impeccable PR and social media services that will turn them into industry superstars and secure you a long-term partnership that they’ll never want to end.


  • Grab the exact social media and content creation strategies I use with my clients to increase their social reach and secure consistent press coverage
  • Develop comprehensive PR and social media strategies for your clients that actually work
  • Learn how to keep your clients absolutely dazzled by the experience of working with your agency, including how to send client gifts!

Retain & Maintain

You’re putting in the work… now it’s time to show it off! In Week 9, you’ll learn how successful PR agencies strategically use reporting, and figure out exactly what you need to include in the data you present to your clients to highlight the immense value of your services. That’s the BEST way to retain and maintain your best clients!


  • Learn how to measure your success as a PR agency (and why that’s so important to help you grow)
  • Start editing clips and creating DAZZLING press books and clips in Canva that will wow your clients and frame your results in the best possible light
  • Report results to clients (and as a bonus, learn how to offboard clients the RIGHT way so that you can keep relationships intact)

Leverage Your Results

Success in PR goes so much further than just generating results—and in this module, we’ll cover how to leverage those results through case studies, testimonials, and press clips.


  • Get our tried-and-true case study template that adds instant polish to your work
  • Learn exactly when and how to ask clients for testimonials (and make it way easier with exclusive access to a plug-and-play testimonial request email template)  
  • Figure out how to strategize the right time to request testimonials and start working on (and delegating!) case studies for each client

Build Your Dream Team

Building a team is the key to scaling your agency, and this week, we’re going to go over how to hire team members to help you with TONS of different areas in your business (so that you can focus on the areas that truly move the needle forward and thrive as a visionary CEO).


  • Get out of your day-to-day grind so that you can leverage your time to think bigger for your agency
  • Learn everything you need to know about hiring new team members to support you as you grow, from job description templates to figuring out whether you want to work with freelancers or build your own team
  • Build a team that can execute dazzling services, allowing you to focus on the big-picture strategy of growing your agency

Find Your Flow

Ready to seriously achieve your biggest goals? You’ll learn how to generate momentum, navigate growth with grace, and seriously elevate your role and find a flow state in your business…while living the life you’ve always wanted.


  • Learn strategies to have your breakthrough year!
  • Start generating serious momentum and reaching your biggest goals with the tips and resources that have helped hundreds of PR pros build successful, thriving agencies  
  • Be open to learning and growing as an agency owner over time as things shift and scale in your agency

You will also receive over $4,400 in bonuses!

5-Day Media Magnet Mini-Course

$497 VALUE

Your guide to creating a sought-after-service -- and brand-new revenue stream -- that makes you in-demand to potential clients EVERYWHERE. In this training, I reveal all the secret strategies, tips, and formulas I use in my own 7-figure PR Agency, Jeneration PR, to get business-growing PR results for my happy, long-standing retainer clients.

5-Day Media Magnet Mini Course

$997 VALUE

Your guide to creating a sought-after-service -- and brand-new revenue stream -- that makes you in-demand to potential clients EVERYWHERE. In this training, I reveal all the secret strategies, tips, and formulas I use in my own 7-figure PR Agency, Jeneration PR, to get business-growing PR results for my happy, long-standing retainer clients.

Lead to Landed

$497 VALUE

Build a pipeline full of your dream PR clients with the top strategies the most successful agencies are using. In each lesson of the mini-course, we'll be breaking down a new piece of the framework and action item that's helping other agency owners DOUBLE their income while working half as much.

Lead to Landed

$497 VALUE

Generate Profitable PR client leads with the top strategies the most successful agencies are using. In each lesson of the mini-course, we'll be breaking down a new piece of the framework and action item that's helping other agency owners DOUBLE their income while working half as much.

Q&A Resources Vault

$1,997 VALUE

Get access to our searchable database of Jen's answers to over 100 commonly asked questions from members of The Agency Accelerator.

Frequently Asked Questions + Resources

$997 VALUE

Get access to our searchable database of commonly asked questions, which we add to whenever new topics come up!

Masterclass Recordings

$997 VALUE

Dive into over 10 masterclasses with industry experts covering topics like scaling effectively, profitability, passive income, and many more.

Masterclass Recordings

$997 VALUE

Dive into over 10 masterclasses with industry experts covering topics like scaling effectively, profitability, passive income, and many more.

Press Clip Book Template & Training

$297 VALUE

Plug & play Canva template for organizing and presenting your press wins to clients as a monthly report.

Client Roster Template

$197 VALUE

Swipe our Canva template for sharing your client and team roster with prospective clients, to help position your agency as professional and sought-after.

And it doesn't stop there!

When you choose our easy one-time pay in full option you get even more epic bonuses

(valued at over $7,900!)

And it doesn't stop there!

When you choose our easy one-time pay in full option you get even more epic bonuses!

(Valued at over $5,900)

Proposal Template

$997 VALUE

This is the exact proposal template that has been used by Jeneration PR to successfully score multiple 5-figure monthly retainers. This is seriously a game-changer!

Only available when you choose to pay in full.

Thanks to this proposal I have a new client!

Thanks to Jen, I have a new client. She pushed back on my pricing and I sent her a brand-new proposal based off of your proposal template. Thank you for all your work to help us on this journey. I truly appreciate you and your team.

Janelle Maluenda

The proposal template blew my mind!

If anyone is on the fence, I really think the Canva template you get for proposals is worth it...on its own. Getting to see the exact way Jen is creating proposals to secure billion-dollar brands as clients has been a game changer.

Shauna Nuckles

I used to dread proposals, but now I can't wait to send them!

100% recommend The Agency Accelerator. I completely redid my proposal based on the customizable template. I used to dread proposals and now today I can't wait to send them out...with a higher price tag, too!

Talia Samuels

Media Contacts Database

$4,997 VALUE

Hundreds of responsive engaged media contacts from top-tier publications. Our peer-curated media contact database is reporting real-time, up-to-date contacts so that you can access the right person at the right publication when you need to!

Only available when you choose to pay in full.

Only available until October 8th:

PResence Personal Branding E-Course

$1,997Ā VALUE

Discover how to market and brand your PR agency so that you can secure premium clients who are willing to pay for your top-notch expertise. This program is a best-selling training from award-winning industry veteran Crosby Noricks.

Only available when you choose to pay in full.

Don't wait! This bonus goes away after October 8th!

Proposal Template

$997 VALUE

This is the exact proposal template that has been used by Jeneration PR to successfully score multiple 5-figure monthly retainers. This is seriously a game-changer!

Only available when you choose to pay in full.

Thanks to this proposal I have a new client!

Thanks to Jen, I have a new client. She pushed back on my pricing and I sent her a brand-new proposal based off of your proposal template. Thank you for all your work to help us on this journey. I truly appreciate you and your team.

Janelle Maluenda

The proposal template blew my mind!

If anyone is on the fence, I really think the Canva template you get for proposals is worth it...on its own. Getting to see the exact way Jen is creating proposals to secure billion-dollar brands as clients has been a game changer.

Shauna Nuckles

I used to dread proposals, but now I can't wait to send them!

100% recommend The Agency Accelerator. I completely redid my proposal based on the customizable template. I used to dread proposals and now today I can't wait to send them out...with a higher price tag, too!

Talia Samuels

Media Contacts Database

$4,997 VALUE

Hundreds of responsive engaged media contacts from top-tier publications. Our peer-curated media contact database is reporting real-time, up-to-date contacts so that you can access the right person at the right publication when you need to!

Only available when you choose to pay in full.


Oh, the media contact database alone is GOLD.

 Tanya Khani

This is the best investment you'll make this year!

The best investment ever. This has been a GAME-CHANGER to my business. It is the best investment you'll make this year! And THAT DATABASE...OMG. I would legit pay for the database alone LOL.

Natasha Dressler

So, What is the Investment of a Life-Changing Program Like

Get Access with this Limited-Time Special Payment Plan Option! Your First Payment is Just:


& 11 additional monthly payments of $250

  • Lifetime Access to 12 Core Training Modules Dripped Out over 12 Weeks (Value $6,997)
  • Exclusive Templates, Resources, and Swipe Files for Prospecting, Pitching, and Signing Clients
    (Value $2,997)
  • BONUS #1: Media Magnet Training Program (Value $497)
  • BONUS #2: Lead to Landed Training Program (Value $497)
  • BONUS #3: Searchable Q&A Vault of Business Building Resources (Value $1,997)
  • BONUS #4: Business-Building Masterclasses (Value $997)
  • BONUS #5: Press Clip Book Template & Training (value $297)
  • BONUS #6: Client Roster Template (value $197)

Total Value = $14,476

Your Price = $3,000

12 monthly payments of $250


Get INSTANT Access and Save $503 by Choosing Our Pay in Full Option!


Easy One-Time Payment

  • LifetimeĀ InstantĀ Access toĀ 12 Core Training ModulesĀ (Value $6,997)
  • Exclusive Templates, Resources, and Swipe Files for Prospecting, Pitching, and Signing Clients
    (Value $2,997)
  • BONUS #1: Media Magnet Training ProgramĀ (Value $497)
  • BONUS #2:Ā Lead to Landed Training ProgramĀ (Value $497)
  • BONUS #3: Searchable Q&A Vault of Business-Building ResourcesĀ (Value $1,997)
  • BONUS #4: Business-Building MasterclassesĀ (Value $997)
  • BONUS #5: Press Clip Book Template & Training (Value $297)

  • BONUS #6: Client Roster Template (Value $197)

  • Only available until October 8th:Ā BONUS #7: PResence Personal Branding E-Course (Value $1,997)

  • BONUS #8: Professional Plug & Play Proposal Template and Training (Value $997)

  • BONUS #9: Media Contacts Database (Value $4,997)

Total Value = $22,467

Your Price = $2,497


Your investment in this program is backed by a 15-day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Which means, if it's not what you expected or hoped, or even if you don't like my voice (hey, you wouldn't be the first!), just email Miranda on our customer success team at [email protected] and we'll take care of you. 

No "what-ifs," no worries...we've got you!

Natasha Dressler


Half way through Agency Accelerator & OMG: I had 2 retainers up for renewal, one I got 3x increase and the other went up $500 to what I should have been charging!!!!

Nikki Osei


The Agency Accelerator changed not only my perspective on PR but how I view myself as an entrepreneur. I KNOW I an do this! I have more clarity on my goals and the types of clients I want to have, I have successfully raised my rates and am on track to have a six-figure PR Agency in 2019!

Here are some questions current members asked before diving in:


Get Access with this Limited-Time Special Payment Plan Option! Your First Payment is Just:


& 11 additional monthly payments of $250

  • Lifetime Access to 12 Core Training Modules Dripped Out over 12 Weeks (Value $6,997)
  • Exclusive Templates, Resources, and Swipe Files for Prospecting, Pitching, and Signing Clients
    (Value $2,997)
  • BONUS #1: Media Magnet Training Program (Value $497)
  • BONUS #2: Lead to Landed Training Program (Value $497)
  • BONUS #3: Searchable Q&A Vault of Business Building Resources (Value $1,997)
  • BONUS #4: Business-Building Masterclasses (Value $997)
  • BONUS #5: Press Clip Book Template & Training (value $297)
  • BONUS #6: Client Roster Template (value $197)

Total Value = $14,476

Your Price = $3,000

12 monthly payments of $250


Get INSTANT Access and Save $503 by Choosing Our Pay in Full Option!


Easy One-Time Payment

  • LifetimeĀ InstantĀ Access toĀ 12 Core Training ModulesĀ (Value $6,997)
  • Exclusive Templates, Resources, and Swipe Files for Prospecting, Pitching, and Signing Clients
    (Value $2,997)
  • BONUS #1: Media Magnet Training ProgramĀ (Value $497)
  • BONUS #2:Ā Lead to Landed Training ProgramĀ (Value $497)
  • BONUS #3: Searchable Q&A Vault of Business-Building ResourcesĀ (Value $1,997)
  • BONUS #4: Business-Building MasterclassesĀ (Value $997)
  • BONUS #5: Press Clip Book Template & TrainingĀ (Value $297)

  • BONUS #6: Client Roster TemplateĀ (Value $197)

  • Only available until October 8th:Ā BONUS #7: PResence Personal Branding E-CourseĀ (Value $1,997)

  • BONUS #8: Professional Plug & Play Proposal Template and TrainingĀ (Value $997)

  • BONUS #9: Media Contacts DatabaseĀ (Value $4,997)

Total Value = $22,467

Your Price = $2,497


Tiffany Eurich


I can not tell you how transformative this program has been for me: I've never felt so confident in stepping into my expertise, and I've discovered I know a lot more than I realized! Just to give you an update, I landed a Forbes feature..., launched the online class, and picked up 4 new clients on the education side of my business, along with a nonprofit project and two national speaking engagements. Thank you so much for being a cheerleader/coach/tough-love-giver/mentor in my corner.

Shauna Nuckles


I've been in the Agency Accelerator program for a while now, but I just love binging everything Jennifer Berson puts out there. If anyone is on the fence...I really think the Canva template you get for proposals is worth it...on its own. Getting to see the exact way Jen is creating proposals to secure billion dollar brands as clients has been a game changer for the new biz. The whole program is of course great, but seriously, the proposal template blew my mind.

I am truly excited about the opportunity to share my PR agency know-how with you and am personally invested in seeing your business grow & shine. It’s time to take control of your future! I believe in you so much — now it’s time that YOU believe in you!

Here's to growing our businesses together!