What is Quantum Growth (and Why Do You Need It)?
Jul 23, 2019Are you looking to grow your business? Are you feeling stuck in your head or maybe at a productivity halt? Let me share with you not just how to grow your business, but how to give your business the quantum growth it truly needs.
As a business owner, it is amazing if you can have a steady increase in revenue every year, but what I can to help you accomplish is quantum growth: exponential growth beyond just a percentage increase from the previous year.
Personally, I have had two instances in my business of quantum growth. On both occasions what really helped me advance my business came from the best business advice that I received from my very early mentors.
Finding a mentor to help you guide you through your journey into quantum growth is absolutely imperative, from there you can change your mindset to prepare both yourself and your business for positive, and exponential development.
Linear vs. Exponential Growth
Most business owners who want to grow their businesses think about it in terms of linear growth. Linear growth is growing your business 20% per month or gaining five new clients in five days. Classic linear growth is the basic mindset of a new business owner prepared for straightforward changes.
While these step by step increases are consistent, linear growth isn't as powerful as quantum growth. Quantum growth, maybe a formidable term, is simply about experiencing growth beyond your current situation and growing exponentially. This mindset shift takes your business from growing according to your expectations to growth in correspondence with what your loftiest goals.
Reasons/Excuses to Wait
You may feel like quantum growth isn’t possible for you, because you have thoughts like “I’m not ready” or “ I don’t have the money.” But that is backward thinking and will not help you grow!
In reality, there will never be an optimal time to start.
In fact, there will always be a million reasons to wait, but you have to think beyond your current circumstances and start living in the way that you want to be in the future. To be that 7-figure CEO of your dreams, you need to step into that role and start acting like one now!
Getting a Mentor
I used to find myself having tons of excuses for why I wasn’t able to grow my business in the way that I wanted to, but luckily I met with a mentor and everything changed.
At the time, I was a glorified freelancer, but after meeting with the head of the entrepreneurship program of USC business, I finally found my CEO thinking power and started to turn into the entrepreneur I am today.
This meeting forced me to take a step back and realize that I was wasting time with low output business. I was afraid to spend the money to support myself so that I could focus more on revenue-generating activities.
Take Initiative
As a business owner, there is a lot of emphasis on being busy. All over the internet, there is a pressure to embrace ‘the grind’ or ‘the hustle’ that comes with entrepreneurship. But, it is important to acknowledge that the quality of time put into a business outweighs the number of hours put in.
My mentors made it clear that I had created a job for myself where I was working for my company executing all the roles, and doing all the things for my business including the execution of all client services. I had essentially become an employee of my company. I realized that I was just putting in the hours, but not making the best use of them, and I was by no means going to achieve quantum growth with that mindset.
After that ah-hah moment, I finally took the initiative to start viewing myself as a 7-figure CEO, and my whole operation changed.
I began working on my business, not in it.
Rather than focusing on the hustle of being an entrepreneur, instead, focus on more strategic leveraging of your time. By taking yourself out of the day-to-day, you elevate yourself from being a freelancer in your business.
Exhausting yourself as a laborer within your business will limit your ability to grow. The powerful CEO can plan for quantum growth, in ways the overworked external employee would. You start by stepping into the role of being the CEO, the seven-figure CEO, or the multiple six-figure CEO, and from there quantum growth follows!
Your goals are waiting for you to meet them, and you have to put in the work.
Ultimately, you have to start behaving beyond your circumstances (no matter what they may be) to bring success to yourself, and to be the powerful entrepreneur you can be!
Any business owner can make moves to grow their business, and maybe even in some powerful ways. But in order to unlock your business’ full potential, you need quantum growth.
Say goodbye to excuses, and waiting on success because all you really need to achieve quantum growth is your own powerful mindset, and the right mentor to be by your side. So, what are you waiting for?