My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
How to Get Into Public Relations Right Now May 11, 2020

If you’re someone who wants to know how to get into public relations right now, you’ve come to the right place. My back story is that I used to be a lawyer and decided it wasn’t the career path for me, so I decided to get into PR and start my own agency. It’s been 15 years...

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How to Develop Confidence in Your PR Skills May 04, 2020

Confidence in your PR skills is essential in building a successful business.

You don’t have to conjure up confidence. There are some practical steps that will help you develop confidence. It’s important to take those steps and watch your confidence soar.

Follow these steps below to...

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2 Most Important Fundamentals of Public Relations Apr 24, 2020

Are you discouraged when there is a slow time in your business? Or there’s an economic downturn and you think you won’t get ahead because you might lose all your clients? You may begin to think you have to put your business on hold. Sometimes you may even think you want to quit and go...

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How to Best Serve Your Clients During COVID-19 Apr 20, 2020

I hope you're doing well and I hope you're staying safe and healthy during quarantine. I hope  that you’re thriving at home with your family around or in isolation by yourself or whatever your situation is. I hope that you're adapting well.

What's been really interesting for me is that...

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How to Gain Clarity & Create a Strategy for Your PR Agency During Uncertain Times Apr 09, 2020

We are living in really interesting and uncertain times right now.

When it comes to your business, it’s important to look at this moment as an opportunity. This pandemic is not something that is happening to us - it’s a collective pause where we can reframe and see that it is, in...

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How to Find a Mentor to Boost Your PR Agency Growth Feb 26, 2020

Finding a mentor is extremely important to growing your business.  I want to show you how to find a mentor and why it’s important to have one.

My mentor is James Wedmore. Hiring a mentor has been an incredible investment for me. James has helped me achieve amazing personal and business...

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How to Stay on Top of PR Trends + Be Successful Long-Term Feb 18, 2020

Are you staying on top of evolving PR trends in your industry? You don’t want to be caught unprepared. If you want longevity in your business, you need to watch trends, get ahead of trends, predict what’s coming or at least be on the early end of what’s happening and changing in...

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