My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
How to Find a Mentor to Boost Your PR Agency Growth Feb 26, 2020

Finding a mentor is extremely important to growing your business.  I want to show you how to find a mentor and why it’s important to have one.

My mentor is James Wedmore. Hiring a mentor has been an incredible investment for me. James has helped me achieve amazing personal and business...

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How to Stay on Top of PR Trends + Be Successful Long-Term Feb 18, 2020

Are you staying on top of evolving PR trends in your industry? You don’t want to be caught unprepared. If you want longevity in your business, you need to watch trends, get ahead of trends, predict what’s coming or at least be on the early end of what’s happening and changing in...

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How to Overcome a Bad Experience So it Makes You Stronger Feb 10, 2020

I had a bad experience running my first live event 12 years ago. It was so embarrassing for me that I did not run another live event. I just said no, I don’t do live events.

Until this year!

I finally realized I was letting that situation hold me back from putting myself out there. The...

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How to Know Your Value and Finally Charge What You're Worth Feb 03, 2020

Maybe you’re just starting out on your journey as an entrepreneur and building an agency and you don’t really know your value. So you charge less than you’re worth because you think that’s the only way you’ll get clients. 

When I first started my agency, my...

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How to Expertly Manage Your Client Relationships Jan 27, 2020

Have you had trouble in the past with managing your client relationships? You start working with clients and maybe you end up not really liking them that much. You possibly ignored the red flags when you first talked to them.

Maybe over time, you feel disinterested and unmotivated to do the work...

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6 Reasons Why Being a Working Mom Makes You Awesome Jan 20, 2020

Are you a working mom running an online business at home? Or maybe you’re thinking of being an entrepreneur but you’re not sure anyone would hire you because you’re a mom. 

But guess what? Moms make kick-ass entrepreneurs!

They have the hardest job in the world raising...

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3 Things You Need to Do Before Quitting Your Job Dec 19, 2019

Maybe you’re thinking about a career change and quitting your job. But sometimes making a big change can seem scary. I’d like to encourage you to take the leap and make the change. Especially if you find your current situation to be unfulfilling and meaningless.

Quitting Your Job is...

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