My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
10 Important 2023 PR Trends All Comms Pros Need to Start Prioritizing Aug 29, 2022

PR is constantly changing — it’s why PR pros work so hard at being adaptable! And staying on top of PR trends is the best way to know what’s happening in the industry and how you can adapt. And even though it’s still 2022, you need to start prioritizing these 10 2023 PR...

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Hero Product vs. Slow Mover: How to Promote Your Clients' Offers All Year Long Aug 15, 2022

Pitching is PR’s bread and butter. To keep your clients in the media, you need to promote their offerings all year long…but that’s easier said than done when you’re out of ideas. Whether there are no new launches on the horizon or you’ve just hit some major pitching...

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Pitching For Multiple Agency Clients: How To Do It Ethically and Successfully Aug 08, 2022

Working with multiple agency clients at once is no big deal for PR pros…but working with a bunch of clients in the same niche? Now THAT can get tricky. How do you balance pitching them out for opportunities at the same outlets that they’d all be perfect for? 

Taking on multiple...

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What is the Best Timing for Your Public Relations Pitch? Short Leads vs. Long Leads Aug 01, 2022

A lot goes into a public relations pitch: creativity, positioning, media connections…the list goes on! But the most important thing? Timing. 

Timing is everything in PR. Sending a pitch out at the wrong time could lead to a missed opportunity for you and your clients. But when...

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How to Make a PR Agency or Client Introduction to the Media Jul 25, 2022

Strong media relations are a crucial part of finding success as a PR pro. But with outlets switching up their teams all the time, building lasting relationships is tougher than ever! That’s why it’s so important to make agency and client introductions to the media the right way and...

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8 Public Relations Characteristics all Comms Pros Need to Be Successful Jul 18, 2022

Becoming an entrepreneur is exciting, and even more so when you’re becoming a PR pro! But whether you’re starting your agency owner journey or making the jump to this field, the transition can be a little scary. But I’ve been there, too! And after 17+ years in PR, I’ve...

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How The Importance Of Media Relations Has Shifted Due to the Pandemic Jul 05, 2022

PR pros are masters at being flexible and adapting to handle whatever life throws at us…but we’ve had a lot to navigate as the pandemic has altered the media landscape! There’s a ton that goes into landing top-tier coverage for your clients, like storytelling, a creative angle,...

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