My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
5 Things You Need to Think About Before Starting a PR Agency Dec 17, 2019

Are you tired of working your 9 - 5 job? Looking for something that is more fulfilling? Or maybe you work at an agency and you want to start your own agency. 

I left my good job as a lawyer and started my own PR agency. 

I’ve built my business to allow myself to have flexibility...

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How to Succeed in Business by Doing This One Thing Dec 03, 2019

Integrity is a core value I want in my life and in my business. All my team members also need to have integrity in order for my business to grow. 

Integrity is not just being truthful and honest. We all are. But it’s doing what you say you’re going to do. I'm always in integrity...

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1 Easy Way You Can Achieve Success with Your PR Agency Nov 21, 2019

The one simple way to achieve success in your agency is to ask for testimonials from your clients. That may sound oversimplified but the way you ask is important to receiving evergreen testimonials. 

The best clients I’ve had in my agency were leads through existing clients.


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What is Your Definition of Success? Nov 19, 2019

The most foundational aspects of strategizing and building your business are to understand what your definition of success is and why it’s important.

You want to know what success looks like for you beyond the money you want to make or beyond onboarding a client on a retainer. Those are...

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Top Mistakes PR Agency Owners Make that are Costing Them Time, Revenue (and Their Sanity!) Nov 13, 2019

I grew my agency through trial and error and I made lots of mistakes. And many agency owners are making these same mistakes. It’s costing them money, time, clients and revenue. 

Here’s a chance to see if you’re making any of these mistakes and then try to fix them.

Here are...

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How to Know Your Worth So You Can Attract High-End Clients and Premium Rates Nov 08, 2019

If you are an entrepreneur starting out with your business adventure, you may know there are times you feel like an imposter and you lose your confidence. You don’t think you know your worth anymore and at times you just want to quit. Don’t lose heart. There are steps you can take to...

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How to Set Quarterly Goals for Your Business Oct 30, 2019

If you want to scale and grow your business, setting quarterly goals is something every entrepreneur needs to do. You will have a sense of accomplishment as you check off the things you completed each quarter. Facing goals for 90 days is easier and much less overwhelming than looking at a list of...

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