My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
7 Things You Need to Do to Grow Your Agency This Year Jan 17, 2023

Growing your agency year after year is something that’s on every PR pro’s mind. And for good reason! Setting annual growth goals is crucial to keeping your business on track and staying motivated when the going gets tough. But you can’t grow your agency overnight — you...

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5 Tips for Building a More Effective New Client Pipeline for Your PR Agency Dec 12, 2022

We all want to grow our agencies each year, right? But to consistently grow your business, you’ll have to take on more and more clients…and you can’t do that effectively without a client pipeline. Establishing a strong client pipeline is a key part of scaling your agency,...

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How to Be More Intentional & Focused as a PR Professional Nov 28, 2022

This year, my team and I have been focusing on becoming more intentional every day. Honestly, intentionality has changed the way I run my agency — my team’s priorities have been reworked to better align with our values as a business. But knowing how to be more intentional in your...

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How to Find a Niche That Is Better Suited For You (and More Profitable) Nov 21, 2022

A big part of running a successful agency is niching down to become an expert in a certain area. But sometimes, your chosen niche just isn’t the right one for you. That’s okay! When that happens, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and find a niche that truly lights you...

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7 PR Mistakes You're Making With Your Pitches to Journalists & Editors Nov 14, 2022

Pitching is the bread and butter of PR, but so much of the process is out of your control! A pitch could not land or a press feature might fall through at any time, so you need to set yourself up for success as much as possible. If you want to land top-tier press for your clients, you need to...

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How to Raise Your PR Rates & Finally Get Paid What You're Worth Oct 24, 2022

Raising your PR rates is a key part of being a successful agency owner, but it can be super scary! If your agency is fairly new or you’ve been at your current rates for a while, that fear can grow tenfold. But as a PR pro, you can raise your retainer fees as much and as often as you see fit...

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How To Build Business Resilience In Your PR Agency: 7 Powerful Tips Oct 17, 2022

Business resilience is the number one thing your agency needs to weather tough economic times. Being able to bounce back from high inflation rates, a nationwide recession, or low consumer spending is so important to your long-term success. You need to start building business resilience before a...

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