My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
My Hot Takes on the Topics All PR Pros Want to Know About
4 Powerful Tips for Building a PR Strategy that Gen Z Will Love Dec 11, 2023

Every year, more and more Gen Z’ers graduate from high school and college, join the workforce, and start adulting for real. They’re not just teenagers on TikTok anymore!

If your client wants to get Gen Z on board with their latest launch, you’ve got to revamp your existing PR...

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5 Important PR Challenges You Need to Overcome as the Media Landscape Shifts Nov 20, 2023

As PR pros, we know that the media landscape changes all the time — new publications pop up, priorities shift, and upcoming tech and trends create new expectations. It can be hard to adapt to these PR challenges, but you need to keep your finger on the pulse of it all!

Every shift...

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How to Use Data Driven PR Pitches to Get Better Results for Your Clients Nov 13, 2023

Data driven PR is becoming more and more popular with the media. Letting data drive your decisions seems like common sense, but there’s more to it than just dropping stats and figures into your pitches.

When done well, incorporating data into your PR strategy is a super powerful way to grab...

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Yikes, You Got Ghosted! How to Deal When Media Contacts Go Quiet Nov 06, 2023

We all know the feeling: you and a media contact have gotten into a good groove regarding your latest pitch. You’re emailing every day or two, and then…silence. A few days go by with no new emails. You should’ve heard from them by now, right?

Don’t panic!

Getting ghosted...

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How to Use PR to Increase the Effectiveness of Your Clients' Holiday Campaigns Oct 30, 2023

The holidays are one of the busiest times of the year for PR pros. There’s a ton for you to balance — especially if you work with product-based businesses. After all, as a PR pro, it’s your job to support your clients’ holiday campaigns as best you can!

For the most part,...

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What is the Best Way to Use a PR Pitch Email Template? Oct 23, 2023

Pitching is the bread and butter of PR, but that doesn’t mean you can do it on autopilot! Writing killer pitches takes serious brain power — from thinking of an innovative story angle to actually writing out the pitch. But you can make writing pitches so much easier with a pitch email...

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6 Important Tips You Need to Know Before Responding to a Request for Proposals Oct 16, 2023

As a PR pro, you’ve likely received a request for proposals (or RFP) before. You might’ve received one from a contact at a company in your niche, or maybe it’s a totally cold RFP from a brand you haven’t heard about.

However the RFP comes your way, you must carefully...

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